Freemont District in Seattle

June, 2007 Guide Book: Seattle City Walks by Laura Karlinsey

Our hike began across the bridge in Freemont. Our destination was Cafe Verde near the UofW medical center. Rachiel Ray had done one of her $40 A Day shows in Seattle and the cafe's fish tacos were featured on the show. They were great. We visited the Troll under the Aurora bridge which we learned is officially named the George Washington Memorial Bridge. It was our first trip to Gas Works Park.

Flower Place Flower Flower
Lenin statue
Aurora Bridge
Aurora Bridge
Cactus Cactus Cactus
Freemont Troll under bridge
Freemont Troll under bridge
Troll Plaque
Tree Pattern
Lookout in distance
Close up from lake
Freemont Bridge Open
KISS singles event
On Aurora Bridge
Indian Paintbrush
Freemont Bridge
Freemont Bridge to Ballard
House Boats and Marina
Aurora bridge is named George Washington
Under Bridge
Compass at Gas Works Park
Dragon Lillie
Goat doors
Seattle and Lake Union
Space Needle view
Old Gas Works
Lookout view
Rainier through lookout
Lookout interior
Wedding Party
The Duck Boat
Dog in Kayak
Mt St Helens
Lookout from south
House Boats
The Duck coming ashore
Unknown flower
Eunice Lake
Mowich Lake
Cafe Verde
Statues waiting for bus
Big House
Big House
Human face on a dog body