The following photos were furnished by Dennis Pollard from Poulsbo, wa
My first hike into the Olympics was to Humes Ranch when i was 3(?) years old, the year was 1949 or 50. My father carried me up there in a backpack on a Sunday afternoon to meet the Crislers. My father, Harry Pollard, had met Herb Crisler years before on a hike and they remained friends. The Crislers had dinner at our home in Port Angeles sometime prior to my going to Humes Ranch (I dont remember any of this). My sister Lois Valmore (Pollard) was named after Lois Crisler. My father and mother recieved letters written in Alaska from Lois on several occasions with references to my sister and I. My dad told me before he passed away these letters were in his papers somewhere and as yet I have not seen them or really been looking for them. Over the next few months I expect to search through his things and see what's there. I also have some old pictures of Humes Ranch that he took after the Crislers were gone that show the water log that brought running water to their doorstep. I also have the Wooden hay pulley from Grant Humes barn that my dad salvaged from the place after it fell in.
Dennis is an artist. You can view his work at:
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