Ruby El Hult's Book |
Published in 1977 by Herb, Ruby and Ruby's husband it
preceeded the publishing of Herb Crisler in the Olympic
Mountain Wilds. As you can see the cover text does
not match it's title. Ruby used many of the same photo
graphs. |
Ruby's other books are all about some facit of Northwest history.
UNTAIMED OLYMPICS: the story of a peninsula Published in 1954 and 1971 by Binfords & Mort of Portland, OR Published in 1989 by CP Publications, Inc. of Port Angeles, WA LOST MINES & TREASURES OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Published in 1956 by Binfords & Mort of Portland, OR TREASURE HUNTING NORTHWEST Published in 1971 by Binfords & Mort of Portland, OR STEAMBOATS IN THE TIMBER Published in 1968 by Binfords & Mort of Portland, OR NORTHWEST DISASTER: Fire and Avalanche Published in 1973 by Binfords & Mort of Portland, OR |