2018 New Year in_Anacortes

IMG 0204 NantucketHouse IMG 0182 IMG 0204xFredMary IMG 0205xBakerPano
IMG 0212.BakerSkiff IMG 0225hBakerBay IMG 0225xBakerBay IMG 0230
IMG 0236xDeceptionPass IMG 0235xfern IMG 0254xBeachArt IMG 0258xBakerMoonPhotoShoped  YES, this is Photoshoped. I do think the moon did rise just behind Mt Baker and we missed it.
IMG 0258xBakerMoon  This is the photo taken from our room. IMG 0196 JanisHouseGroup IMG 0189 IMG 0190
IMG 0191 IMG 0192 IMG 0193 IMG 0194
IMG 0195 IMG 0198x Antonio IMG 0199 IMG 0200
IMG 0201 IMG 0202 IMG 0213 IMG 0208 groupWGlasses
IMG 0167 IMG 0169 IMG 0170 IMG 0171
IMG 0172 IMG 0173 IMG 0174 IMG 0176
IMG 0177 IMG 0178 IMG 0179 IMG 0180
IMG 0264.BakerGeese IMG 0271xGooseFace IMG 0292xGeese4Eagle IMG 0308
IMG 0313 IMG 0310 IMG 0214 IMG 0215