
IMG 8752xPanoNarrow960 IMG 8734xLightHouseBeach960  North Head Lighthouse IMG 8750xLighthouseLogs960 IMG 8752xPanoWide960
IMG 8760xLightHouseBig960 IMG 8762xLighthouseBW960  Black and white image. IMG 8779xSunset  Cape Disappointment sunset. IMG 8784xSunSet960  Sun setting off the beach at the Cape Disappointment campground.
IMG 8801Squach  Squach on a bicycle in the Seaside parade. IMG 8804xBumpersBlakeRon IMG 8806xBumpersBlakeDad960 IMG 8811xBumperCydTaylorKaka
IMG 8814xTaylorCydBumpers IMG 8823xBlakeRonBumpers IMG 8825BumperKakaTaylorCyd IMG 8829xBumpersAll960
IMG 8834xBumpTeeCyd960 IMG 8857xGoodHeadCloseUp960  Humpback whale feeding on anchovies in the Columbia River under the Astoria bridge. IMG 8863yFinClose  The humpback's fin IMG 8870xWhaleBridg960
IMG 8870xWhaleBody IMG 8871yWhaleTailCloseUp960 IMG 8874xWhaleHead960 IMG 8878xWhaleFin  The whale raising it's fin out of the river.
IMG 8881xFireWorksWatchers960  This was what we saw upon entering the beach. Hundreds and hundreds of people, 4by4's, tents, fires and fireworks. IMG 8884xSunsetVert  Nearing sunset at Longbeach on the 4th IMG 8890xCampFire960  Our 4th of July campfire. We drove a few miles up the beach to get away from the crowds, but a few spent rockets, shell pieces and sulfur smoke still rained down on us. IMG 8891xBeach960  Looking south down the beach