2016 Photo Highlightss

DSC01815 HorseShoeEnhanced01 IMG 0075xMaple960 IMG 0115MidxContrast
IMG 0188xDam IMG 0219 IMG 0221RockArt02960 IMG 0238xHorseshoeBendLookers960
IMG 0259xCanyonMore IMG 0265xVerticalWall IMG 0267xWallsCanyon IMG 0283xOtherRaft960
IMG 0308xCabinChairs IMG 0328xPointWilsonLightHouseSide IMG 0372xLighthouseMountain IMG 0374xFerryHole
IMG 0387xRiverMesas IMG 0390xBridgeHill960 IMG 0398xSpreadWings960 IMG 0402xCondorClean01
IMG 0411xCondorAngle02960 IMG 0420xLabChange IMG 0439xRockFlowers960 IMG 0475xWall960
IMG 0577xGoodCanyon960 IMG 0585xCanyonSunrise960 IMG 0665xBrushCanyon IMG 0673xGoodCanyon
IMG 0704xTrail IMG 0735xRain IMG 0753xCPRy960  Cyd and I were first on the sceen of this rescue. Cyd immediatley dialed 911 and I assisted the wife, in orange, with the CPR. The EMT's were there in about 15 minutes. We were very colose to the top of Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon. IMG 0757xCanyonRain960
IMG 0830xGroup960 IMG 0896xBoatChopper960 IMG 1039xCydMushroom IMG 1045 tonemapped
IMG 1123xRoadKanab2000 IMG 1124xWaveLottery IMG 1139xNavajoTrail IMG 1151
IMG 1158xTree IMG 1161xAutumnTree IMG 1164xET IMG 1172xFallTrees
IMG 1186 IMG 1197DooHoospsd IMG 1252xHighway101 IMG 1257EntranceAgain
IMG 1275xCydUp IMG 1287xLeaves IMG 1289xTwoLeaves IMG 1297xTheChin
IMG 1300xNelsonMtnBridge IMG 1322xMudRockBall IMG 1341xSheep IMG 1344xBlueys
IMG 1354xMudBall IMG 1373xBallFamily IMG 1427xWallsCyd IMG 1433xWalls
IMG 1446xMosbyCreekTrees IMG 1447 IMG 1455xLickWash960 IMG 1462xCydTallWall
IMG 1480xUtahColors IMG 1481xOregonBurns IMG 1482xLowellBridge IMG 1482xPanoOregon
IMG 1482yOregonSunDown IMG 1527xAllPunkins960 IMG 1555xRainierTooths2 IMG 1671xTreeIce2
IMG 1671xWinter IMG 1915xHeronVert IMG 1942xHeron IMG 1989yLadyStatue960 2
IMG 1998xCometFallsAtRoad IMG 2318xGlass IMG 2348xTotem IMG 6966xMesaStarburst
IMG 7147 b IMG 7290xBW Rainier IMG 7472xTehalehMtRainier2 IMG 8103SummitHalo960
IMG 8411xSnowBird IMG 8585yLightHouseReflec IMG 8694xCydHorzBandW IMG 8703xRedBlueFlowers
IMG 8750xLighthouseLogs960 IMG 8752xPanoNarrow IMG 8760xLightHouseBig960 IMG 8784xSunSet960
IMG 8905xMowichLakeReflection960 : Mt Rainier IMG 8943xRainierEunice : Mt Rainier IMG 8956x : Eunice Lake, Hiking, Mt Rainier IMG 8959xTolmieLookout960
IMG 8983xLillys : Eunice Lake, Hiking, Mt Rainier IMG 8988xFieldLillies960 IMG 8993xTrailBack960 IMG 9019xCornFrog960
IMG 9161xTarnShot02 IMG 9266xONLY Meteor IMG 9544xLenticularClouds960 IMG 9571xRainierTipsoo
IMG 9610xTracks2000 IMG 9624xCaronaArch IMG 9629xRockPiles IMG 9634xCoronaArch
IMG 9650 IMG 9661xCoronaArch960 IMG 9667xusArch960 IMG 9673xWhiteDrips960
IMG 9677xBigArch IMG 9689xHikers IMG 9724xTower IMG 9754xCropped24x20
IMG 9796xTourists IMG 9810xVert IMG 9876BigThreeZoomPan : Burroughs, Grandpark, Hiking, Mt Fremont Lookout, Trail IMG 9892xBalconey
IMG 9900xOutLadder IMG 9904xYikes IMG 9947xDeer24x20 IMG 9949ySingleDeer
IMG 9986xDeerBrush24x20 IMG 9990 tonemapped IMG 9997xSunSet2000 MtRainierPerseidMeteor2