2014-09-08_Indian Henry's Hunting Ground

from Kautz Creek Trail
IMG 0000xMtnCabinNarriow960 IMG 9720xTrailhead960  First car at the Trailhead. Started hiking at 9:30AM IMG 9722xCreekRoad960  A view up Kautz Creek from the boardwalk view area IMG 9723xBridgeRainier960  Same view but zoomed into the mountain
IMG 9728xEarlyTrailIn960  The 1st mile of trail is very flat IMG 9733xCreekBed960  A look at Kautz Creek flow in September IMG 9734xCreekTrail960  Wide and flat trail. IMG 9737xMoreCreekTrail960
IMG 9740xRiverBed960  The trail near the footbridge crossing. IMG 9745xForestTrail960  Starting the sometimes steep ascent. IMG 9746xMushrooms960  Two mushroom watch the travelers along trail IMG 9749xLowlandTrail960  The trail under the trees
IMG 9751xTrail960  It's hard to tell but the trail is steepening IMG 9752xSoloHiker960  A solo hiker passes me. Oddly I didn't see him again. IMG 9755x1000Feet960  Hillside switchback IMG 9759xTrail960
IMG 9762xTrail960  The trail continues up. IMG 9764xFootBridge960  A footbridge. The steepness eases here for about a half mile. IMG 9766xCreek960 IMG 9779xTrailUp960  Steep steps are the norm...
IMG 9780xSquirrelsTable960  A squirrles dinner table IMG 9783xTrailSteps960  More up, but nearing the first clearing. IMG 9793xRainier960  First good look at the mountain IMG 9798xPeak960  Unnamed peak
IMG 9807xBeeFlowers960 IMG 9813xHighTrail960 IMG 9816xHuckelberries960  The huckelberries were very plentiful IMG 9824xBeargrass960  This is beargrass after the blooms have fallen off.
IMG 9826xRainier960 IMG 9835xTrail960  Beginning the last steep portion. IMG 9836xRock960 IMG 9844xStHelens960  The only view of Mt St Helens. This is a tight zoom shot.
IMG 9849xRainier960  Mt Rainier reappears IMG 9852xRidgeTrail960  The last steep stretch to the high point of the trail at about 5600ft IMG 9856xMtHood960  Mt Hood. This is a photoshoped zoom with high contrast. IMG 9858xTrailHigh960  Finally stating down the trail to Indian Henry's Hunting Ground. The cabin is about 275ft down.
IMG 9866xNewRainier960 IMG 9868xTrailRainier960  Views of the mountain are tremendous through here. IMG 9872xAllRainier960 IMG 9885xHelicopter960  Another helicopter. Maybe it's a tour this time.
IMG 9888xRainier960 IMG 9889xTrailRainier960 IMG 9896xFlowersRainier960  Meadow flowers and the mountain. IMG 9900yCabinRainier960  That's the Indian henry's Hunting Ground patrol cabin.
IMG 9903xSignCabin960 IMG 9909xThroughHiker960  He was one of a group of four hikers doing the Wonderland Trail. IMG 9913yCabinRainier960  At the cabin for lunch with the "Through Hikers" IMG 9915xBuffalo960  The outside lockers on the cabins and fire lookouts in the park are adorned with animal ventilation holes. I have seen salmon and goat cutouts on others.
IMG 9916xCabinIsoLeft960 IMG 9917xThroughHikers960 IMG 9919xCabinRear960 IMG 9922xCabinIsoRight960
IMG 9923xCabinPorch960 IMG 9925xCornerMtn960 IMG 9932xInsideCabin960  Inside the cabin. Two park employees are biologists and were out doing a survey of how fast the meadow ponds are evaporating and counting frogs. IMG 9933xCabinInside960
IMG 9938xMtnCabin960  Leaving the cabin. IMG 9941xTrailTripper960  I tripped on this little tree stump on my way to the cabin. I fell forward like a felled tree onto the grass next to the trail. I had to do a turtle roll to get up. My camera lens left a 4 inch scrape on my chest. The lens appears to be ok, but I am the only photographer I know that has been beatin up by his camera! IMG 9943xCabinLeaving960 IMG 9945xVertical960
IMG 9948xCabinMtn960 IMG 9950xCabinMtn960 IMG 9951xCabinMtnVert960 IMG 9953xMtnFlowers960
IMG 9957xMtnFlowersVert960 IMG 9957yMtnFlowersHorz960 IMG 9960xMtnDust960  This dust cloud formed and blew away several times. IMG 9962xSoloHiker960  A solo hiker catches up to me above the cabin.
IMG 9964xSunglasses960  Me and the mountain reflected in his glasses. IMG 9967xHikerHeadingBack960  On his way down. IMG 9973xSquare960 IMG 9982xOutHiker960
IMG 9984xRockShelter960  This big boulder has room underneath for a couple of people go get shelter out of the rain. IMG 10001xTreesRainier960 IMG 10005xMtAdams960  Mt Adams from the big beargrass meadow IMG 10016xWhiteFlower960
IMG 10023xDeer960  This deer was not scared. IMG 10030xTrailBack960  On the trail back headed into the forest. IMG 10031xBridgeBack960  Back to the footbridge. IMG 10035xTrailDown960
IMG 10038xNurseLog960  A nurse log. IMG 10042xTrail960 IMG 10048xReverseBack960 IMG 10051xTrail960  Nearing Kautz Creek and a mile of flat ground.
IMG 10060xDeadBridge960  Crossing the stream bed. See the old log bridge? IMG 10064xFlatTrail960 IMG 10065xTrail960